Friday, September 15, 2006

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Art of Making Comments

One of the beauties of blogging is that it need not be an imposition on the reader. That is to say, the reader can choose whether, when and for how long to delve into the blogosphere. Unlike a mass e-mail which seems to insist upon instant attention when it hits the "in" box (no matter how banal its content), blogs are happy to sit in the background and only step forward upon request. If I am in a hurry, I can simply skim through my bloglines feeds or ignore them completely (ha!) while I get on with other things. The posts will always be there later.

Yet if we are going to realise the full social and educative potential of the medium, blogging etiquette demands that from time to time we leave a comment. Blogging is meant to be an interactive experience and it can be disheartening for bloggers to put themselves out there, watch the sitemeter tick over and never hear boo from a soul. I, for one, have resolved to leave comments on other people's blogs more often. I will also endeavour to more faithfully adhere to the convention of responding to comments on the blog itself rather than sending individual e-mails. Hopefully these steps will help enrich the comments section and your reading pleasure.

Against this background, it is timely to highlight that many browsers allow you to insert html tags when you make comments. This can be very handy. For example, if you want to refer to another link, rather than typing the plain url, you could type the code:

< a href= " " > < b > my website < /b > < /a >

And, voila, the link my website is magically embedded in bold in your comment.

Monday, September 11, 2006